Self-service Loan Portfolio Analytics

TTAData, is the industry's first self-service loan portfolio analytics, data warehouse and peer analysis platform. TTAData allows credit unions to update information at any time and digest actionable business intelligence in minutes on any connected device. 

Other benefits of the platform include:

  • On-demand convenience -  credit unions can upload and query (download) data as often as they want
  • Professional support – the 2020 team is at the ready to field your questions
  • File type agnostic - There are no specific layout requirements and all popular file types are supported
  • A suite of loan level solutions - static pool analysis, advanced profitability and loan performance analytics, and CECL tools are available
  • Future scenario modeling – management teams can vary key metrics to see potential implications
  • Peer analysis - customizable to allow comparison to institutions of similar size, metro area or product mix