Rate Reset

Products and Services Offered Through This Provider

Digital Loan Pre-Approval, Loan Acquisition/Recapture & Loan Reset

About Rate Reset

Rate Reset is a credit union specific service providing award-winning solutions for loan retention, loan reset, loan generation and digital pre-approval. Each solution is designed to enhance the digital member experience and assist the credit union in its digital transformation, providing a digital solution to retain loans a credit union already has on the books. Rate Reset allows members to reset the term of a loan to adjust the payment to accommodate life changes or help pay off high coupon credit debt elsewhere. These solutions allow member to be in control and have the terms and choices completely transparent. They are simple to implement and cost effective.

How do credit unions benefit from this strategic alliance?

Rate Reset is easy to implement and because it has limited dependency on IT resources it is efficient and can expand your universe of prospects without increasing costs.

Why this provider over another?

Rate Reset is a credit union specific product; no one else has services like these. Although some claim they have retention and reset solutions in place, these are often manual and cumbersome for your members. There are no other digital reset solutions. Digital Pre-Approval has no competition. It is the only multi-dimensional solution that allows a credit union to offer a member pre-approved products and provide your members with a means to fully understand the offer, make choices and execute the documents. Rate Reset’s services are unrepresented in the market, so you will be getting a unique product delivering a streamlined experience.

Our Solutions

  • Reset – for Auto, Mortgage, Credit Cards, CDs and Personal Loans: CURate Reset enables members to reset existing financial products they have with a credit union without the cost and hassle of financing. Your credit union selects members for program inclusion based on your internal requirements and CURat eReset automates the member outreach, reset and closing documentation. They also automate loan and CD retention for your credit union so member advocates can spend more time focusing on expanding existing and developing member relationships.
  • LoanGEN – for Loan Acquisition and Recapture: LoanGEN allows your credit union to recapture member mortgages, auto loans, personal loans and credit cards now held by other financial institutions as well as showcase products to attract new members.
  • Digital Pre-Approval – for Credit Card, Auto Recapture, Home Equity Loans and new CDs: Your credit union selects members to receive offers, submits data to Rate Reset, and a personal URL is created and placed into an email, traditional mail, social media or text message.

Members can select from the options offered, execute the required documents, and authorize the balance transfer to their new account.

Ready to get started?

  • For more information, contact Jenny Jackson, CUNA Strategic Services alliance manager, at 800-356-9655, ext. 4102, or jjackson@cuna.coop


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