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    Loan portfolio analysis expert contributes to white paper


    If you haven't already taken a peek, the new CUNA Lending Council white paper, “Collections During a Recession,” is now available. The white paper was created as a resource to the many credit union collections staff members who may lack the hands-on experience of managing lending during an economic downturn-era.

    Dan Price, president of 2020 Analytics, a CUNA Strategic Services provider, contributes his thoughts and expertise. 2020 Analytics is the premier loan portfolio analytics service provider for credit unions providing loan risk analysis, value-added data enrichment, and identifying unique environmental factors that affect credit union portfolios.

    >> Learn how 2020 Analytics can help you



    New Alliance Provider for Employee Benefits


    InterLutions, a credit union service organization (CUSO), and CUNA Strategic Services (CSS) launched a strategic alliance to provide more credit unions with access to I-Care, a pioneering employee benefits solution designed to mitigate rising health costs.

    The I-Care collaborative benefits model pools the combined risk of the credit union employees they insure and leverages that credit union collective buying power to reduce health insurance costs. The expense reductions, along with big data analytics and consultative HR experts, have allowed credit unions to offer more competitive and enhanced benefit plans. The strategic alliance with I-Care provides credit unions with the flexibility to choose from a myriad of carrier networks and plan options in states where there is no healthcare solution offered through the League.

    >> Learn more