The Changing Landscape of Auto Lending

Originally recorded on March 22, 2018, 1 hour

Attend a FREE webinar brought to you by CUNA Strategic Services and Twenty Twenty Analytics.

As a result of overwhelming demand, we’re making the automobile market update a recurring web series. In late-2015, Twenty Twenty Analytics noticed that despite improving unemployment, credit quality and other economic indicators, auto collateral values were decreasing at an increasing rate. Compounded by more aggressive underwriting practices, including higher original LTVs and longer terms, LTVs on auto loans were trending higher, and recovery rates on auto charge-offs were diminishing.

We have accumulated data, and worked with our credit union clients and our auto valuation partner, Black Book Lending Solutions, to answer the question – what is causing this shift in the auto lending landscape and how does that impact credit unions?

Join Twenty Twenty Analytics, where we’ll explore this question, along with:

  • Changes that we have observed in the auto lending market
  • How the changes have affected our credit union clients
  • What credit unions can do to adjust to new market trends
  • How we view the future of auto lending

Presenters: Dan Price, CPA, CFA, Managing Director
Alan Veitengruber, Manager, Analytics
Learn more at contact Brenda Halverson, CUNA Strategic Services alliance manager, at 800-356-9655, ext. 4110, or

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